Saturday, July 14, 2012


1.           What  chemical  process  is used  for obtaining a metal  from  its oxide  ?                                       
2.           Complete and  Balance  the  reaction                                                                                          
Fe2O3 + Al →  
3.           What  do  you  see when  penta-hydrated copper  sulphate crystals  are  heated.  Give  reaction too.
4.           (a)     Fe + CuSO4  →      FeSO4 + Cu                                                                                                       
(b)     Cu + FeSO4    →    CuSO4  + Fe
Which  of the above  two  reactions will take  place  and  why  ?
5.           Why is sodium kept  immersed in kerosene oil ?                                                                             
6.           Name  two  salts  that  are  used  in black  and  white  photography.  Give  reactions when  they  are exposed to light.
7.           You have  been  provided with  three  test  tubes.  One  of them  contains distilled water and  the other  two  contain an acidic  solution and  a basic solution respectively.  If you are given  only  red  litmus  paper, how  will you  identify the contents of each test tube  ?
8.           (a)     What  do you see when a magnesium ribbon  is burnt ? Is magnesium oxidized or reduced in this  reaction.
(b)     Define  corrosion.
9.           (a)     All ores are minerals but  all minerals are not ores. Justify  the statement.                   
(b)     What  is Galvanisation ?
(c)     Give composition of brass  and  bronze
(d)     Explain  roasting with  help  of a reaction.
(e)     What  do you  mean  by amalgam ?
With  reference to electrorefining of impure copper, answer the following :
(a)     Draw  a neat  and  labelled diagram requised for the purpose of electrorefining.
(b)     What  is electrolyte used  ?
(c)     Name  the cathode and  anode used  ?
(d)     What  happens at cathode and  Anode ?

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