Saturday, July 14, 2012


1.         [1] Why  should solar cookers  are to be covered with  glass plate  ?                                                   
2.         [1] Define  electric  circuit.   Distinguish between open  and  closed  circuit.                                        
3.         [2] (a)     What  material is used  in making the filament of an electric  bulb  ?                                  
(b)     Name  the characteristics which  make  it suitable for this.
4.         [2] Two electric bulbs  A and  B are marked 220V, 40W and  220V, 60W respectively. Which one of the two  has  greater resistance ?
5.         [2] Differentiate overloading and  short  circuiting.                                                                        
6.         [2] Write  any  two  advantages of using  Biogas.                                                                                     
7.         [3] A piece of wire of resistance 20 Ohm is drawn out so that its length  is increased to twice its  original length.  Calculate the resistance of the wire  in the new  situation
8.         [3] (a)     What  is the total  resistance of n resistors each of resistance ‘R’ connected in :            
(i)      Series                               (ii)     Parallel
(b)     Calculate the  resultant resistance of 3 resistors 3 ,  4   and  12 Ohm  connected in parallel.
9.         [3] (a)     What  is a fuel ?                                                                                                                            
(b)     Write  any  two  characteristics of a good  fuel.

10.     [3]Draw  a diagram to show  how  a magnetic needle deflects  when it is placed above  or below  a straight conductor carrying current depending on the direction of the current in the  conductor.

11.     [5] (a)     What  is a Solenoid  ?                                                                                                                   
(b)     Draw  the field lines of the magnetic field through and  around a current carrying solenoid.
(c)     Compare the  field  pattern with  magnetic field  around a bar  magnet
(a)     Which  rule  helps  to find  the force on a current carrying conductor in a magnetic field ?
(b)     State the  rule.
(c)     Name  the  three  factors  on  which  the  force  on  the  current carrying conductor depend.

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