Saturday, July 14, 2012


1.           A non-metal X exists in two different forms Y and Z.  Y is the hardest natural substance,  whereas Z is a good  conductor of electricity.   Identify X, Y and  Z.

2.           A solution of potassium chloride when  mixed  with  silver  nitrate solution, an insoluble white  substance is formed.  Write  the chemical  reaction involved and  also mention the type  of the chemical  reaction ?

3.           A substance X, which  is an oxide  of a metal  is used  intensively in the cement  industry. This  element is present in bones  also.   On  treatment with  water  it forms  a solution which  turns  red litmus  blue.  Identify X and  also write  the chemical  reactions involved.

4.           What  is Plaster  of Paris  ? How  it is obtained from  Gypsum. Write  chemical  reaction. Give its one use.

5.           A metal  A, which  is used  in thermite process,  when  heated with  oxygen  gives  an oxide B, which  is amphoteric in nature.  Identify A and  B. Write down the reactions of oxide  B with  HCl and  NaOH.

6.           Why do we store  silver  chloride in dark  coloured bottles  ?                                                     

7.           A magnesium ribbon  is burnt in oxygen  to give a white  compound X accompanied by  emission of light.

(a)     Write  the chemical  formulae of X

(b)     Write  a balanced chemical  equation, when X is dissolved in water.

8.           Salt A commonly used  in bakery  products on heating gets converted into another salt  B which  itself is used  for removal of hardness of water and  a gas C is evolved. The gas C when passed through lime water,  turns it milky.  Identify A,B and  C.  Write balanced chemical  equations for each  step.

9.           Fill in the missing data  in the following table                                                                                 

10.        (i)   Given below are the steps for extraction of copper from its ore.  Write the reaction  involved.
(a)        Roasting of copper (1) sulphide
(b)        Reduction of copper (1) oxide  with  copper (1) sulphide.
(c)        Electrolytic refining

 (ii)     Draw  a neat  and  well  labelled diagram for electrolytic refining of copper
(a)        Explain  the formation of Magnesium Chloride by the transfer of electrons.
(b)        Explain  three  properties of ionic compounds.

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