Saturday, July 14, 2012


1.       Name  one metal  which  react  with  very  dilute HNO3   to evolve  Hydrogen gas.                     

2.       What  is the brown coloured gas evolved when lead nitrate crystals  are heated in  a dry test tube  ?

3.       Name  the acid present in                                                                                                                     
(1)     ant  sting  (2)      tamarind.

4.       Write  balanced equations for the reaction of :                                                                                
(a)     Iron  with  steam
(b)     Calcium with  water.

5.       On mixing  solutions of lead  nitrate and  potassium iodide in a test tube.                                   
(a)     Write  the chemical  equation involved in the balanced form.
(b)     What  is the colour  of the precipitate ?  Name  the precipitate.

6.       How  pure copper  is obtained from  impure copper by electrolytic refining ?                          

7.       Write  the  balanced equation involved, when                                                                       
(a)     Chlorine is passed over dry  slaked lime.
 (b)     Sodium bicarbonate reacts  with  dilute hydrochloric acid
 (c)     Sodium bicarbonate is heated.

8.        (a)  What is universal indicator?                                                                                                   
 (b)  Write  the  chemical  equation involved in the  preparation of sodium hydroxide. Name  the process.

9.       (a)     Write  one equation each  for decomposition reaction when energy is supplied in the form  of :      
 (i) heat                  (ii) light
(b)     Account for the  following.
(i)      Paint  is applied on iron  articles.
(ii)     Oil and  fat containing food  items  are flushed  with  nitrogen.
(iii)    When  an  iron  nail  kept  in  copper sulphate solution, blue  colour  of the solution fades  and  iron  nail becomes  brownish.
(a)     What  do you  mean  by                                                                                                               
(i)      precipitation reaction (ii)     exothermic reaction (iii)    oxidation reaction
Write  balanced chemical  equation.
(b)     When  a water insoluble substance ‘X’ is added to  dilute hydrochloric acid  a colourless, odourless gas is evolved.  When  the gas passed through lime water,  it turns milky.  Write the chemical formula of X and the chemical equations involved.

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