Sunday, August 21, 2011



Time : 3 hours                                                                                                                                     Maximum Marks  : 80
Instructions :

1.       The question paper has 36 questions in all.  All questions are compulsory.
2.       Marks  are  indicated against each  question.
3.    This question paper consists  of two  parts  i.e. Part-I  and  Part-II.  Part-I of this question paper contains Multiple Choice  Questions (MCQs)  from  serial  number 1 to 16 of 1 mark  each. These sixteen  questions of Part-I are to be answered on a separate sheet  provided.  This part has  to be completed in first 30 minutes only  and  the answer sheet  must  be handed over  to the invigilator before  starting Part-II.
4.       In Part-II of the question paper, there are 20 questions from serial no. 17 to 36.  These questions are to be attempted in 2 hours and  30 minutes.  This part  should be attempted only after the stipulated time  given  for Part-I.
5.       Questions from  serial  number 17 to 31 are  3 marks  questions.  Answer of these  questions should not  exceed  80 words each.
6.       Questions from  serial  number 32 to 35 are  4 marks  questions.  Answer of these  questions should not  exceed  100 words each.
7.       Question number 36 is a map  question of 3 marks  from  Geography only.   After  completion, attach  the  map  inside  your  answer book.
8.       An additional 15 minutes time  has been  allotted to read  this question paper only.
1.       When  did  the global  agricultural economy start?                                                                             1
(a)     1894                      (b)     1890                      (c)     1892                      (d)     1891
When  was  the first jute mill in Calcutta set up?                                                                                 1
(a)     1912                      (b)     1919                      (c)     1918                      (d)     1917
Who  designed the garden city of New  Earswick?                                                                              1
(a)     Barry  Parker                                                     (b)     Edeneger Howard
(c)     Raymon Unwin and  Barry  Parker               (d)     Napoleon
2.       Which  of the following disease proved a deadly killer for the people of America?               1
 (a)     Cholera                                                               (b)     Small pox
 (c)     Plague                                                                 (d)     None  of the above
When  was  the first cotton  mill established?                                                                                      1
(a)     1854                      (b)     1858                      (c)     1818                      (d)     1817
Which  movie  did  Dada  Saheb  Phalke  made  ?                                                                                1
(a)     CID                                                      (b)     Guest  House
(c)     Raja Harishchandra                          (d)     Tezab
3.       Penny  magzines especially meant for                                                                                                   1
(a)     Women               (b)     Men                     (c)     Children    (d)     Working class
Who  is the author of Jane Eyre?                                                                                                              1
(a)     Jane Austen                                        (b)     Charlotte Bronte
(c)     William  Hogarth                              (d)     Samuel  Richardson
4.       What  was  the name  of oldest  Japanese book?                                                                                  1
(a)     Sambad Kaumudi                              (b)     The Diamond Sutra
(c)     Debganer Martye  Aagaman            (d)     Kesari
OR Which  of the following novel  deal  with  caste Opression ?                                                           1
(a)     Sultana’s  Dream                               (b)     Godan
(c)     Saraswativijayam                             (d)     Padmarg
5.       Under which  of the following type  of resource can tidal  energy be put?                                     1
(a)     Human made                                     (b)     Biotic
(c)     Non  recyclable                                 (d)     None  of these
6.       Mithun is the example of :                                                                                                                         1
(a)     Normal species                                (b)     Vulnerable Species
(c)     Rare species                                      (d)     Endemic species
7.       Sardar Sarovar Dam  is constructed on :                                                                                                1
(a)     River  Krishna                                   (b)     River  Mahanadi
(c)     River  Cauvery                                   (d)     River  Narmada
8.       India  is the  leading producer and  exporter of _______________________ in the  world.              1
(a)     Rubber                   (b)     Sugarcane                (c)     Tea              (d)     Rice
9.       Community Government is :                                                                                                                    1
(a)     A general government for the entire  country
(b)     A government in which  different social groups are given  the power to handle the affairs  related to their  communities.
(c)     A social division based  on shared culture
(d)     A government which  literally  means “rule  by the people”
10.    Which  is not one of the benefits  of power sharing ?                                                                         1
(a)     Reduces the possibility of conflicts  between social groups.
(b)     Ensures political  stability in the long run
(c)     All political  parties get their  expected share
(d)     It upholds the spirit  of democracy
11.    The system of panchayat Raj involves :                                                                                                 1
(a)     Village, block and  district levels
(b)     Village and  state  levels
(c)     Village, district and  state  levels
(d)     Village, state  and  union levels
12.    Laws  concerning family  matters such  marriage, divorce, adoption etc. are known as :          1
(a)     Family  laws                                      (b)     Constitutional Laws
(c)     Criminal Laws                                   (d)     Civil Laws
13.    Kerala  has  low  infant  mortality rate  because :                                                                                1
(a)     People  are physically strong
(b)     People  are health conscious
(c)     It has  adequate provision of basic health and  education facilities
(d)     None  of the above
14.    Per capita  Income  is also known as -                                                                                                   1
(a)     Average Income                                 (b)     National Income
(c)     Gross  Income                                      (d)     Personal Income
15.    The sectors  are classified into public  and  private sectors  on the basis of -                              1
 (a)     Employment conditions
(b)     The nature of economic activity
(c)     Ownership of enterprises
(d)     Number of workers employed in the enterprise
16.    Production of a commodity, mostly  through the natural process  is an activity  of which of the following sector  ?                                                                                                                                                                 1
 (a)     Primary                                 (b)     Secondary
 (c)     Tertiary                                  (d)     Information technology


17.    Explain  the  effect  of the  death of men  of working age  in Europe because of the  1st World  War?       3
How  did  the  British  manufacturers attempt to take  over  the  Indian market with  the help  of advertisements.
Crime  became  an object of wide  spread concern  in London.  Comment and  state  what steps  were  taken  to control  it?
18.    Mention the major  features of Indian manuscripts before  the age of print.                                                                 3
In what  ways  was  the  novel  in colonial  India  useful  for both  coloniser as well  as the nationalists?
19.    The Roman Catholic  Church began  keeping an index  of prohibited books from the mid 19th century. Why?
By whom was  Godan written? What  does  the  novel  narrate ?                                                                                     3
20.    How  did  print culture affect women in 19th century India?  Explain.                                                                           3
What  is the importance of using  Vernacular in novels?                                                                                  
21.    How  are alluvilial soils formed ? How is Bangar different from Khadar ?
22.    Describe  the steps  taken  to conserve the flora  and  fauna  of our  country?                                                              3
23.    Write  three  advantages of multipurpose river  valley  projects?                                                                    3
24.    Give reasons for why  power sharing is desirable.                                                                                                             3
25.    Is it possible that  all the social differences cause  social division in society?  Explain                                             3
26.    What  are the reasons of social divisions?                                                                                                                            3
27.    What  is communal politics?  Explain.                                                                                                                                   3
28.    What  is meant by sustainability of development? Give its features.                                                                              3
29.    What  are the limitations of per  capita  income  as an index  of economic development?                                         3
30.    In what  ways  more  employment can be increased in rural  areas?                                                                              3
31.    How  are  activities in the  economy classified on the  basis  of employment conditions? Explain.                        3
32.    Discuss  the factors  that  led to the end  of Bretton  Woods  system and  the beginning of globalization.             4
What  steps  were  taken  by the East India  Company to control  the market of cotton  and silk goods?
Why  were  a number of Bombay  films about  the lives of migrants?
33.    Describe  the  geographical conditions required for  the  growth of sugarcane and  tea crops.            2+2
34.    Critically examine the  concept of decentralization in India.                                                                                            4
35.    What  are the  advantages of working in an organised sector?                                                                                          4
36.    Three  features with  serial  number 1 to 3 are  marked on  the  political  map  of India. Identify these features with the help of the following information and write  their correct names on the lines marked.                 3
(1)     Soil type(2)     Major area  of a type  of forest  (3)     A fibre crop
Locate  and  label the following items  with  appropriate symbols on the same  map.                                               3
(a)  Sariska  Tiger Reserve
(b) Rana  Pratap Sagar  Dam
(c) Major  Producing state  of Maize
Note  :         The following question is for visual  impaired candidates only in lieu of Q. No. 36.
36.1  Name  the soils which  develop due  to leaching.
36.2  Who proudly proclaimed the dams as the temples of modern India?
36.3  In which  state  is Sariska  Tiger Reserve  located  ?

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